We Are Fungi

We Are Fungi

US$ 5
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  • 1 mês de Skillshare

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Sobre este produto

Christine Nishiyama

Christine Nishiyama

Artist at Might Could Studios

We Are Fungi is the children's picture book referenced and used in my Skillshare class, Picture Book Masterclass: Write, Illustrate, and Publish Your Story. It can be purchased here as an ebook to study alongside the course or enjoy with the child in your life!


This genre-bending picture book tells dual stories side-by-side. A factually accurate story is told through words, while a more mysterious story is told through pictures, following the journey of a curious young girl as she ventures into the woods to hunt for mushrooms. As dusk falls, weird things begin to happen and as she travels deeper and deeper into the woods, she ends deeper and deeper in the world of fungi.

A creepy story that aims to break the rules of children’s books, challenge the notion of boy-books and girl-books, and revitalize the nonfiction genre, this completely original picture book is unlike any other book on the market, and will be sure to delight, excite, and inspire you and your child.

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