Calendar Stamp Brushes for Procreate
Calendar Stamp Brushes for Procreate
Calendar Stamp Brushes for Procreate
Calendar Stamp Brushes for Procreate
Calendar Stamp Brushes for Procreate
Calendar Stamp Brushes for Procreate

Calendar Stamp Brushes for Procreate

US$ 3
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  • 1 mês de Skillshare

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Sobre este produto

Mirka Hokkanen

Mirka Hokkanen


Tired of sourcing for a calendar every time you get ready to schedule your upcoming tasks? Or maybe you want to create planner pages effortlessly?

This calendar stamp set for Procreate comes in handy and makes planning a breeze. 

The set includes:

  • 1 grid stamp
  • 7 different months with each month starting with a different day of the week
  • 2 week day brushes: Mon-Sun and Sun-Sat  

The set is easy to use, especially if you set brush sizes in advance. Than all you have to do is choose your grid, dates, and days and tap each one once to create your month. 

Each month date grid has 31 days. For months with less days, just erase the extra days after stamping the days on. For extra flexibility, you can stamp on different layers and then color or move layers around. 

Video of how to use:

Usage License:  You may use the brushes for selling commercial products, as well as in your illustration work and designs. You may not use the downloaded files to resell the brush set. You may not share the product with clients or other designers (they must purchase their own brush set). You may not include the item in an epub or app.

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