tools of Jessica Jones

tools of Jessica Jones - student project

Hi Tom,


I started with your class 'Inky illustrations' and asked whether it would be handier to use the pen tool in Illustrator. You pointed me in the direction of this class. 

I decided to give the pen tool another go in Photohop and tried my hand at 'Tools of Jessica Jones' the class project form 'Inky Illustrations'. I like the superhero Jessica Jones and am sorry to see her go..

Here is the sketch I started out with:

tools of Jessica Jones - image 1 - student project

I used my handy Micron pen to sketch (instead of a pencil).

Then the blots and dots..

tools of Jessica Jones - image 2 - student project


And tracking and tracing the sketch plus combining it with the ink work. Second time around :)


tools of Jessica Jones - image 3 - student project


Some lines are wonky - thats how I liked them. Still the pen tool in Photoshop plus the tips and tricks you've shared have enabled me to make work I didn't think I could produce. So big thank you!