somebody stop me

somebody stop me - student project

I made the exact same pattern, except with gradients instead of solid color. Here's the original:

somebody stop me - image 1 - student project

Then I hit the "recolor" button, and I couldn't stop, I got hypnotized. I had the Illustrator bug lines, and I undid anti-aliasing on some of them.

somebody stop me - image 2 - student project

somebody stop me - image 3 - student project

somebody stop me - image 4 - student project

somebody stop me - image 5 - student project

somebody stop me - image 6 - student project

somebody stop me - image 7 - student project

somebody stop me - image 8 - student project

somebody stop me - image 9 - student project

somebody stop me - image 10 - student project

somebody stop me - image 11 - student project

somebody stop me - image 12 - student project

What a great tutorial, thank you, Helen. Happy New Year!