Wyken, Blyken and Nod

Wyken, Blyken and Nod - student project

First off...GREAT CLASS!

I'm a Graphic Designer and enrolled in this class to take my passion for drawing to the computer. My project was for my friends nursery, a diptych based on the classic childrens story Wyken, Blyken and Nod.

Let me just say that draw inside is clutch! So many great tips in this tutorial from draw inside...to scatter brush creation to shadow work.

My process:

I started with a sketch and brought it into illustrator as a guide

Wyken, Blyken and Nod - image 1 - student project

From there I blocked in color, added gradients and shadows, played with blur and scatter brushes. Pretty close to the original tutorial I'd say. 

Wyken, Blyken and Nod - image 2 - student project

I then threw it into photoshop to add a little texture and adjust the color

Below are the finished prints!

Wyken, Blyken and Nod - image 3 - student project