
Therapuppy - student project

I based my project on a fictional dog therapy organization I came up with- Therapuppy. I've noticed more and more universities offering puppy therapy sessions to their students during midterm and finals seasons, and I thought it'd be fun to create a site based on an organization that might offer that service.



1. Goals


  • Make therapuppy more easily accessible
  • Generate interest and awareness


  • Increase in booked sessions
  • Increase in donations
  • Increased volunteer interest


  • Branding and interactive design piece for portfolio

2. Content

  • Benefits
  • About us
  • Get involved
    • Volunteer
    • Sponsor
  • Book a session
    • Student
    • Individual
    • Health facility
    • Corporate
  • Donate


3. Priorities

  1. Donate to therapuppy.
  2. Book a therapuppy session.
  3. Get involved by volunteering with or sponsoring therapuppy.
  4. Learn about benefits.
  5. Learn about the organization.
  6. Contact us.


4. Users

  • University students
    • Want to attend an on-campus session prior to midterms/finals
  • Individuals
    • Want to book a session/donate
  • Corporate
    • Want to book a corporate session/donate/sponsor

  • Health & education professionals
    • Want to organize session at their facility/donate

  • Volunteer
    • Want to volunteer with service dog/help raise service dog


5. Navigation

  • Home
    • Intro/benefits/testimonials

  • About us
    • Mission
    • Partners/sponsors

  • Get involved
    • Volunteer
    • Become a sponsor
  • Book a session
    • Individual
    • Student
    • Health/education facility
    • Corporate
  • Donate



Therapuppy - image 1 - student project



1. Best features:

  1. Comforting
  2. Caring
  3. Charismatic
  4. Cute


2. Personality scale:

Therapuppy - image 2 - student project


3. Celebrity: 

Therapuppy - image 3 - student project

         LESLIE KNOPE -  Upbeat, light, thoughtful, loving.


4. Visual language:

Therapuppy - image 4 - student project

         Calm, soothing colors. Clean and casual layout.

         Sans-serif type for main copy. Accent type could be serif/script/slab-serif.


5. Interaction methods:

         Responsive layout - emphasizing accessibility

         Friendly language - to be inviting and put visitors at ease

         Validating forms - encouraging language upon form submission



Therapuppy - image 5 - student project




I really enjoyed learning how to use Balsamiq and Invision!

I started with mobile, and then moved on to desktop. These are still pretty rough and I'm still going to do some tweaks to the layouts I'm sure, so I didn't bother wireframing for tablet.


Therapuppy - image 6 - student project

InVision link



Therapuppy - image 7 - student project

InVision link


Thank you for this class, Erica! Looking forward to getting started on part II.