Self Reflection

I liked this part of the exercises. So much came out that I wasn't expecting to see. I was surprised to see how much my health came up. It had its own category, but it also showed up under other categories, such as my romantic life, family, career, and school. I don't think that it should surprise me, because my health has figured into absolutely. Every. Single. Decision. I. Make. (I have cystic fibrosis, so it plays a pretty significant role in my life and how I live.)
But, man was it hard to acknowledge that. And moving on to the other exercises, I can see how I always imagined myself doing quite a bit with my life. I loved theater, dancing, music, and writing in my younger years. In the other exercises, I could see the hope and optimism I had in my plans for the future. But, sometimes other things get in the way, and it's really hard to feel purposeful when I'm sick a lot of the time. However, I still think that I can do some things and figure in some of the things that I love. I just have to approach it in a different way, and that's been quite a struggle since my health started to rapidly decline about five years ago.
Sorry for the rambling, reader. I don't even know if anybody will ever read this, but it's good to get off my chest nonetheless.