Revised Logo

Revised Logo - student project

UPDATED PROJECT (9th December, 2015):

Finally after all the rounds of design, typograhy and handlettering sessions, here is my new logo and I am really happy about includes my Studio Name and my name which I wanted to incorporate. Definitely was not an easy task to create that logo that reflects your style and communicates the essence of your brand.

Here's the Logo and the Guide---

Revised Logo - image 1 - student project

And I am happy to share that my new logo and website is updated... here's the link:

Thanks a lot Faye and the Group Members for the support and feedback.

UPDATED LOGO STRUCTURE (2nd December, 2015):

Revised Logo - image 2 - student project

UPDATED PROJECT (29th November, 2015):

I had been really busy with lots of stuff at my end trying to understand what my style is and reworking on certain aspects of my design style. Post which I also had a look at my logo style and re-worked on the same and I really wanted to keep this birdie a part of my Logo, however modified the style and moved to a circular one and tried to add my name as well. 

Revised Logo - image 3 - student project

Since, Faye wanted me to rethink on the Font Style and I moved to a simpler one, here is the point where I need the feedback, should I get my own Hand Lettered Font incorporated... Quite not sure on this front. However I would like to add the quirkiness of my design style to be part of my logo. Request Feedback...

Thanks again,


Earlier Project Notes:

I think I was really obsessed with your Faye Brown Logo, and here is what I came up with, the Project Photo, you see is the one.

Besides, I also tried few variations...First is the one I created during my first class.

Revised Logo - image 4 - student project

Reason, I wanted to try Balck color as it gives really a luxurious feel and I felt I can really use this as Watermark whereever required may be at the bottom right of the Patterns that I upload on the Internet.

Please suggest... I would really appreciate if you suggest me colors as well, I hope pink is not immature for a brand like mine.

