Pop Art Illustration with textures in Adobe Photoshop

Pop Art Illustration with textures in Adobe Photoshop - student project

Initial Sketch & photo upload 

I used My Canon DSLR to capture my sketch and ink work.

Pop Art Illustration with textures in Adobe Photoshop - image 1 - student project


Pop Art Illustration with textures in Adobe Photoshop - image 2 - student project


Pop Art Illustration with textures in Adobe Photoshop - image 3 - student project


Pop Art Illustration with textures in Adobe Photoshop - image 4 - student project


Pop Art Illustration with textures in Adobe Photoshop - image 5 - student project


Pop Art Illustration with textures in Adobe Photoshop - image 6 - student project

This was a great class to refresh my photoshop skills and an excellent use of shortcuts to help with optimizing workflow!