MicroNinja's big adventures

MicroNinja's big adventures - student project

Cover image: MicroNinja battles the jaws of death

So, this is my project, starring MicroNinja, my miniature hero. I found this little guy in my house some day, probably left here by some friends' children. I thought he had a lot of character, so I decided to start photographying him in various situations. I keep getting more ideas for him, so this isn't the last of MicroNinja's adventures!

For this project, all photos were taken indoors, with a combination of natural and artificial lighting. I think the most challenging part was outlining MicroNInja's black suit against a similarly dark background. This is where Lucy's advice came in handy!

Please feel free to comment and critique, if you feel so inclined.

MicroNinja's big adventures - image 1 - student project

MicroNinja defends the Frog King from any incoming princesses; 


MicroNinja's big adventures - image 2 - student project

MicroNinja fights the odds;


MicroNinja's big adventures - image 3 - student project

MicroNinja stares Death right in the eyesocket