May in Berlin

Hi people!
A lot of new stuff here :)
new camera: RICOH 500G
new film: CHM 400 (from photoimpex, berlin)
new develop: Adox Rodinal 1+25
new scan Plustek Opticfilm 8200i with Silver Fast SE Plus
NO photoshop or postproduction, just small adjustment scanning
This is not my first develop at home, but I'm trying to find my workflow and I'm learning by myself, so I made a lot of mistakes for sure, any suggestion is really welcome!
This is the camera, battery was missing so I used a Lightmeeter App on my iPhone
this is the chemistry:
and here some photos:
Rainy day, Berlin - may 2018
walk, Berlin - may 2018
Reflections - may 2018
Copy Print Platz, Berlin - may 2018
Bring your flower, Berlin - may 2018
2 ducks
U-Bahn, Berlin - may 2018
lightness, Berlin - may 2018
alexanderplatz, Berlin - may 2018