Look Book 2021 | Kathrin Woo
Hi there, Maja!
I finally managed to implement all that great info and make my own Look Book, eeeek!
This was my first project in InDesign and I feel that now I know the software well enough to create even more projects like my Pattern Collection Portfolio for example.
It's funny that in this project, several projects from your other classes come together. Like the butterfly pattern I've created for your "From sketch to repeat pattern" class (I've included a recolored version). Also, I've used some of my self-made mockups which was something I learned in your "Make your own Mockups" class!
Great class(es)! Couldn't have done it without it! Thank you so much, Maja!!!
PS. Actually, I was thinking about whether or not I should make the Look Book public as it includes some of my best work but then again, it's just a selection. I guess it's better to show something than nothing, so I've just made it public.
Happy to hear your feedback!