Little Goblin Girl

Little Goblin Girl - student project

Not sure if I'm doing this right since this is my first project on Skillshare, so hopefully I can edit/update the project as I complete it :D 

For my project I decided to use the same character brief, (I've never watched/listened to Critical Role before but I feel compelled to start watching it now!) so I did a goblin girl as well.

I absolutely fell in love with Vera's sketches which is why I decided to use the same brief, since I wanted to try my own hand at designing a little goblin character. My design is definitely highly influenced by Vera's, so after this project is finished I probably will do another project with a different character brief to challenge myself a bit more :)

Here are my sketches for this project:

Little Goblin Girl - image 1 - student project

Going forward I'm definitely going to have to simplify her design down a Lot to make it easier to animate--the amount of details in the sketches is probably the design I would use in a comic/illustration, but it's too complicated for my animation skill levels, so my next task for this project is going to be simplifying the design so I can animate her easier :)