Learning how to write fiction, copy and content

Class Project:

  1. What skills are you excited to learn?
    • Writing fiction
    • Blog writing
    • Copywriting
  1. How are you going to apply deliberate practice in your process?
    • I will have a writing session each day of no less than 1 hour, review the writing courses I still have outstanding and apply some of the techniques I learn there in my daily test writing. Also try to get feedback on my writing from friends and editor
    • Plan out a rigid writing schedule at the start of the week, and write one or two articles each week, depending on the need for them. Gather feedback from my articles and research what my readers want for future publication.
    • Tinker with the SEO on the blog and do research on what keywords I need to touch in order to grow widen my reach to my potential audience.
  1. How can you challenge your fixed mindset?
    • I have always respected talent and genius, maybe a bit too much. But the latest progress I made showed me that hard work can improve you more than you expect, even in areas where you are severely lacking.