Final Presentation by James Daniels
My final presentation:
I made a lot of changes in terms of clip choice, timing, retiming, sound, and of course color. The color correcting was painful, but I like the waveform views, I think they make more sense than histograms. When the final project was color corrected it looked so much better!
I got carried away with the title for the final cut, but it was fun. :)
The timeline below excludes the view of the original 30 second cut. Also: As this is a class, I welcome your constructive criticism. Thanks!
Here's how I shortened the second piece of music, should any of you be cureous:
I'm pretty happy with how this came out.
I found it easiest to edit the video once I had the music in place for rhythm/timing and mood. I used Google to gather more information about the event and its sculptors which informed the chronology of the piece and the text. I had a lot of fun with the easter-egg "PSA" at the end and went with the sound effects after trying out a suspensful loop that was just a bit too dramatic.
Storyboard Extra Credit!
I liked this "extra credit" assignment. I made up a fake commercial that would allow me to play with the placeholders I had at my disposal. The music, Elysium, fit so perfectly, I couldn't believe it!
This was a good way to get a taste for placeholders, if I hadn't done it, I probably would have forgotten about this feature entirely. Thanks!
And yes, I acknowledge that this is super cheesey. It just seemed like something Patagonia would appreciate.
Rough Cut 2:
I couldn't stand the roughness of the sound so I went ahead and tweaked the audio using skills I'm sure we will soon cover. I like this a lot more and will feel free to "cheat" more going forward.
Rough Cut 1:
Well, it's rough. I played around with the features you introduced and avoided the ones not yet mentioned.