Elvis Presley - Fool's Gold Loaf 1976

As the story goes...
"Fool's Gold Loaf is a sandwich made by the Colorado Mine Company, a restaurant in Denver, Colorado. The sandwich consists of a single warmed, hollowed-out loaf of bread filled with the contents of one jar of creamy peanut butter, one jar of grape jelly, and a pound of bacon. The sandwich's connection to Elvis Presley is the source of its legend and prolonged interest.
"According to The Life and Cuisine of Elvis Presley, it was the focus of a midnight sandwich run by Elvis Presley and his friends. Taking his private jet from Graceland, Presley and his friends purchased 22 of the sandwiches and spent three hours eating the sandwiches and drinking Perrier and champagne before flying home. The story became legend and the sandwich became the subject of continued media interest and part of numerous cookbooks, typically focused around Presley's love of food."
As you know I love creating a visual narrative around food that tells a much bigger and fun story. Elvis has always been a hero/curiosity of mine. I read about this crazy adventure he went on with a couple of Colorado's finest to share with them what must be the most decadent sandwich on the planet! This is my fantasy of how these scene went down...