Dalai Lama

Dalai Lama - student project

I received permission from the photographer who took the original picture to use his image, so here it is! Originally by Stephan Bollinger. The Dalai Lama!

Dalai Lama - image 1 - student project

Photoshop lines

Dalai Lama - image 2 - student project

Illustrator Lines

Dalai Lama - image 3 - student project

Close up of hands

Dalai Lama - image 4 - student project

Close up of face...

So, I finished, but out of respect for the original photographer of the picture, I'm not going to post the whole thing unless I get permission. It's the Dalai Lama. I kind of love him. The original picture is by Stephan Bollinger if you want to look that up! Also, this took FOREVER, but I'm glad I did it. I'm thinking about blowing it up huge and painting it now that I have the tones down. It looks great printed and I really improved my illustrator skills a lot in doing it. So, yeah, the course is awesome, make a picture!

Thanks for the likes! 

(Original Post) I'm not going to lie, I've had quite a bit of trouble with this and it's taking me forever. Mainly because I couldn't manage to create the keyboard shortcuts or tablet shortcuts. But this just goes to show that you can do it with a mouse and the long way and it still works. I'm not uploading the original because it's an image I found online, but I think you can get a clear idea of who it is. I'll add the finished version as soon as I finish it! 

The green lines were my photoshop roughs and the cover image is me filling them. Going to have to go back and align a lot of the corners after I've finished the rest of the face!

This is my first shared skillshare project, so please be nice!

Dalai Lama - image 5 - student project