Chalkboard menu for the "9 bar" cafe, located in Minsk, Belarus

Chalkboard menu for the "9 bar" cafe, located in Minsk, Belarus - student project

It was my first experience working with chalk, and I enjoyed every second of it!

Chalkboard menu for the "9 bar" cafe, located in Minsk, Belarus - image 1 - student project

Chalkboard menu for the "9 bar" cafe, located in Minsk, Belarus - image 2 - student project

Chalkboard menu for the "9 bar" cafe, located in Minsk, Belarus - image 3 - student project

This one says "Tuna with Ceasar sauce" in russian ^_^ :

Chalkboard menu for the "9 bar" cafe, located in Minsk, Belarus - image 4 - student project