Before/After: my sketches and final piece

Hello everyone! A special thanks to Roman for sharing your workshop. It was really interesting to see how you work on paper and digitally, what materials you use, how you go through the process from sketch to the final piece.
I was inspired to create the illustrations for this assigment and I'd like to show my work.
The first thing I thought about was age. I took two words and used the letters to illustrate my idea. After I drew an old person in a dark room as the reresentation of a word after. I also thought about a young couple as before and two separate figures in separate spaces as after. Here is the sketch:
My second idea was to combine the two meanings in one piece. I did this sketch. One leg suddenly steps in a puddle and another one is still clean:
A chicken and a han having breakfast together, the same idea of combining two concepts in one piece:
I also thought about something that grows, as it was before (small) and after (big):
May be some typographic compositions?
And for the final piece I choose the image with pig and chicken. I took acrylic felt-tip pens. Here is the final image: