Beach Boxes - urban sketching project

Beach Boxes - urban sketching project - student project

My finished picture...

Beach Boxes - urban sketching project - image 1 - student project

And the steps... Pencil (sorry, took the photo late at night)

Beach Boxes - urban sketching project - image 2 - student project


Beach Boxes - urban sketching project - image 3 - student project

And watercolour. It took me so long and at least this many photocopies to finally settle on the colours)

Beach Boxes - urban sketching project - image 4 - student project

So maybe I went a bit overboard with the splatters but the whole drawing is quite small and I was using a pretty small brush. Anyway, I was very happy with what I managed to achieve so thank you Julia for a wonderful class!

Beach Boxes - urban sketching project - image 5 - student project