Antonius Block

It's been a while but here is an updated look at my portfolio. Feedback welcome if any of you are still interested.
After spending a week trying to figure out what best suits my needs, I have finally found a begining point.
It's name is "flirtation", and I plan on tweaking it as best I can.
Here's my begining
* The two left post are just comps for sizing and layout purposes. (no artwork is final)
Question: Would anyone know how to change the navigation buttons( work, about, blog..) to custom buttons?
As I continue to tweak the default settings, hopefully it will become more focused.
Hello again!
My portfolio is going to be designed with the intent to display all of my work for future freelance clients, friends and family and most importantly to look for new opportunities as a designer.
I really want to showcase the diversity in my portfolio which includes everything from fine art to corporate design and how I've approaced each project.
My next step is to gather my imagery and narrow down the whole experience and aesthetic I want people to experience.
Such a late start to this class but I'm ready and excited to get rolling.
Expect something soon.