Financial Literacy Pop Quiz · 26 Categories

Financial Literacy Pop Quiz · 26 Categories

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Thomasina Shealey, MBA

Thomasina Shealey, MBA

Consultant, Entrepreneur, Mentor

Think You’re Money-Savvy? 

Put Your Knowledge to the Test.

Financial Literacy Pop Quiz: 26 Categories, 20 Questions In Each Category

What is Financial Literacy?

Financial literacy refers to understanding basic financial language.


This pop quiz is divided into 26 categories with 20 questions presented in each (Checking Account(s), Savings Account(s), Money Markets, Certificate of Deposits (CDs), Stock(s), Bond(s), Mutual Fund(s), Target-Date Funds, Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs), Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), Defined Benefit Pension Plans, 401(k)s, Social Security, Dividend Reinvestment Plans (DRIPs), Annuities, Options, Real Estate, Cryptocurrency, Commodities Trading, Hedge Funds, Spot Trading, Futures Contracts, Derivatives, Precious Metals (Gold, Silver, etc.), Collectibles), that cover a broad range of financial literacy topics. 

Each of the above 26 categories contain a set of quiz questions—20 questions in each section —that have been carefully curated.

The questions are a mix of Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced financial literacy vocabulary.

Print the downloadable quiz sheet(s) in the attached file. 

Perfect for note-taking and reference.

Why a Quiz Format?

Research shows that "active recall"—quizzing yourself and retrieving information—strengthens your memory and understanding by allowing you to actively engage with the material.

What to Expect

Each of the 26 sections contain 20 questions, a wonderful mix of Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced financial literacy. 

Each section is an easy way to practice your "active recall" retention on the vocabulary.

Why This Matters

Financial literacy is a superpower...

Mastering financial literacy vocabulary is critical; and will equip you with confidence to understand and participate in, the financial conversations around you.

Challenge yourself…

Commitment to yourself…

This pop quiz might just be your best investment this year!

Let's get started!

Disclaimer: “Financial Literacy Pop Quiz: 26 Categories, 20 Questions In Each Category”, is not investment advice. This pop quiz is not intended to offer investment, tax, or financial planning advice. This pop quiz is a vocabulary quiz, only, on financial literacy. It was created and designed to offer a fun way to learn everyday financial literacy vocabulary across sectors.


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