The Earth's Pillars for Self Growth
The Earth's Pillars for Self Growth
The Earth's Pillars for Self Growth
The Earth's Pillars for Self Growth
The Earth's Pillars for Self Growth
The Earth's Pillars for Self Growth
The Earth's Pillars for Self Growth
The Earth's Pillars for Self Growth

The Earth's Pillars for Self Growth

10 $US
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À propos de ce produit

Karelia Blum

Karelia Blum

Artist | Mindfulness Facilitator

In this guide, we explore the three essential pillars that connect us to the earth and to our deepest selves:

  • Caring
  • Grounding, and
  • Fulfillment. 

These pillars remind us that we are not separate from nature, but an integral part of it. Through a series of fun and reflective activities, you’ll learn how to nurture these pillars in your daily life, build a stronger connection to the earth, and embrace the flow of balance, energy, and purpose. 

Whether you're planting a seed, walking barefoot on the soil, or practicing mindful breathing, each activity will guide you to a deeper understanding of how we're all woven into the web of life. 

Ready to feel more grounded, cared for, and fulfilled? 

Let’s dive in!


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