Self Therapy in Nature

Self Therapy in Nature

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À propos de ce produit

Karelia Blum

Karelia Blum

Artist | Mindfulness Facilitator

You will learn how to do self therapy in nature, using 3 steps:

STEP 1: Connection. The initial phase of finding a suitable place in nature or a nearby park, where you can be alone at least once a week to do your session.

STEP 2: Attention. Learn to train your attention in nature. I’m sharing what helped me to embrace a deep feeling of oneness with the Earth where you can do safe introspection and realise where to start with your self-therapy journey.

STEP 3: Communication. Learn effective ways to facilitate self-therapy and to connect with nature’s unconditional love. I will explain what it means to speak and listen to the Earth. I'm also listing common challenges when doing self-therapy and how to approach them.

This guidebook is for you if…

  • You are looking for outdoor activities and you don’t mind being alone.                                                                                                                     
  • You love spending time in nature and are interested to connect with nature in a deeper way.
  • You have tried self-therapy practices in the past but haven’t got much results.
  • You are interested in expanding your mindful and meditation practices.



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