www.sneaxers.com is already my third startup after my first failed venture. It has been 7 months since we incorporated the idea of having a platform free of ads, high commission rates and dead carts.
SNX is a sneaker buying and selling platform. Unlike GOAT which is of course a wonderful site for authenticated sneakers but as a seller myself I was always frustrated when I ended up paying more on commissions and shipping services when that extra money that is now gone could have been mine in the first place.
with SNXfinder - Our location tool, buyers can find nearby sellers within a certain range so that they pay less on shipping and have a seamless experience. All our sellers need to send their products to our operations centre that enables us to verify the quality of the item. If the item is a replica, we will not process the order but instead use our database to either find a new pair from a seller or contact the buyer and issuing a full refund.
Resellers on STOCKX and GOAT pay high rates on international shipping and commissions per item sold. SNX allows sellers a commission free platform that enables them to organically grow as a reseller. Based on multiple level of services, sellers can pay in two categories of either $21/month or $41/month and that's it. Our team will do all the social media work, inventory management, customer support, storage, packing, deliveries and authentication while you as a seller can enjoy focusing on life and other priorities.
We are testing our automation tools to scale the startup, kindly let me know your thoughts on this and would be very happy if you could drop by www.sneaxers.com and check us out!
You can find me on
twitter :- @saminyasarh
instagram :- @saminyasarh
mail :- connect@vintsource.com