You make me happy so I sparkle (sometimes)

You make me happy so I sparkle (sometimes) - student project

The class was great, can't wait to make some more of this!

So here is my sketch and traced versions of it.

You make me happy so I sparkle (sometimes) - image 1 - student project

Black & white gif

Somehow in a process I lost one of my frames. But it appears that 3 frames work just as fine.

You make me happy so I sparkle (sometimes) - image 2 - student project

To make it more "happy" I added some colours. Managed to find my lost frame too :)

You make me happy so I sparkle (sometimes) - image 3 - student project


One more gif I started last week, but never got to finish it until yesterday.

Here are 5 frames I drew.

You make me happy so I sparkle (sometimes) - image 4 - student project

I had trouble picking colour. I wanted to make it golden, but at the end I decided on something bolder. And came up with this.

You make me happy so I sparkle (sometimes) - image 5 - student project