Working on My Brand
Hi Everett. I really liked your description of Obi Wan Kenobi, and felt it was pretty spot on with how I see myself and how would like others to see me.
I've been working on how to brand my current class and the series of related classes I have planned. I feel that my initial cover image is too understated and needs to be stronger, both in appearance and in the words I'm using.
Overall, I want my brand to be universal in it's appeal, and not loud and flashy. I still like understated. So I'm heading towards a 'clean white' look with pale greys and pops of colour across this series of classes. I'm also looking at incorporating this look into a new website to promote what I do.
For now, this is the current cover for my class.
And this is where I'm heading...
Given the full class title 'Asymmetrical Drawing with the Golden Ratio' is in the class heading, I don't need to match it in the cover image. Some cover images are just cover images, and some shorten the class title. This means I can build a set of classes around the Golden Ratio, which is a term that a lot of people have heard of.
I was thinking of adding a third element which I may swap out from class to class, but this may clutter the look. Then again, it may attract more students?
I'm unsure as to whether I need to number this series of classes. The numbering may be redundant.
I'd be interested to know your thoughts.