Willie Wombat travels through the magic tunnel...
I decided to use my previously created character, Willie Wombat, and give him some more background.
In here, Willie becomes a magical-type of familiar. He's like a protector/guide/imaginary friend that belongs to a family. When the family kid grows old enough to not need him anymore, he goes into his burrow or tunnel, and when he comes out on the other side, he finds the next generation of kids waiting for him. Kind of like he travels through time when he goes into the tunnel.
My dramatic scene was the moment he leaves his previous kid, to go find his new ones.
I need to work more on Willie as a character. I really like him and I think it can become a cool character with a cool concept, but I'm still not completely happy with his shape/aesthetics...
I share also part of the creating process following the class.
Thanks Ira for making this class.. I had a lot of fun, specially with the first part before the actual practice. It was super interesting and very well put together.
Kind Regards,