Think Like a Turtle and Paint Like a Jackrabbit
In 1995 I spent an afternoon looking at paintings by Monet, Rembrandt, Picasso, Cassatt, Van Gogh, and many other brothers and sisters of the brush. I was charged up when I left to go home. It was an 'ART TONIC'.
Here is a Mary Cassatt watercolor that brings it all home for those of us who have raised children.It is loose and free and it's done quickly! Think and consider your options as you mix your paint or adjust your camera and survey the distant hills. Admire the atmosphere and the mood.
Then like a Jackrabbit jump into action and paint and click and feel and respond. That is what Speed Paint is all about.
I wanted to give you that feeling I had in the Gallery and I had that feeling again when my son James sent me some photos from France where he is touring. They were of Van Gogh's room in Saint- Remy where he painted some of his finest work.
Here is one of the many paintings from this room where he was fed and cared for with genuine concern and love.
Speed Paint is all about bringing feelings and intuitive insights into your artistic awareness. I definitely get in the mood to create after I watch it.
I would like to encourage you to do one very important thing when you paint or carry on any artistic activity and it is this: RESERVE ALL JUDGMENT until you are finished. Then look at what you have accomplished and see MERIT in your efforts. Until you start to acknowledge that 'something' is pushing you to do what you do and that your job is to do it, stand back, look at it, and see what is next.
Then look at what you have accomplished and see MERIT in your efforts. Start to acknowledge that 'something' is pushing you to do what you do and that your job is to do it, stand back, look at it, and see what is next.
Look at what you have accomplished and see MERIT in your efforts.
There are no mistakes in art!