The Indigo Project | Contact Form
I just started my own business as the Creative Director of a Branding team in Pittsburgh, PA. We are called The Indigo Project. We've been officially around since January, but I recently left my full time job to focus on getting clients in the door and creating great work!
A big part of bringing in clients so far has been through our online form so I jumped at the chance to make it better using microcopy.
While we are still nailing down exactly who we are as an group we know for sure that we want to focus on having a conversation with our clients, fellow designers, and design inspired community. The contact us form therefore is important to us not only as a way to attract clients but to engage with our community one on one. Through it we have met clients and designers alike! We like to be clear and concise, but we want our clients to know that we love what we do and we have fun engaging with their products or services!
The old Contact page can be seen here.... I was using the dreaded "Submit" button...and I know I have it in a could other places as well! 0.o
I hope to recieve more feedback from everyone and improve, but here is what I started with! (I even played around with the Instagram side!) Here's the link to the page itself! I'll update as I make improvements! I can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with!
As we say in Pittsburgh...
Talk to yinz later!!
PS (I don't have a Pittsburghese accent I swear!) However this guy does incase you need a distraction...or don't know what Pittsburghese is.