Storytelling with Characters

First warm-up exercise: Observation
Now quickly answer the following questions:
- What was the first thing you noticed about the person? (clothes, hairstyle, pose, overall mood?): Her beautiful decorative tattoos and lace bra.
- What was the second thing you liked or noticed about the person? This will be our supporting element to draw our character. I also love the soft mint, pink and yellow colours which are very soft and pastel in contrast with her dark hair and tattoos. It’s a mediation between dark and light. It’s very romantic and whimsical in style and feel.
- We will be sketching (roughly) our character based on the characteristics we noticed more, emphasizing the key elements that we noticed first. Once we have that outline, we can proceed to give this character a story.
Second exercise: Narrative
- Pick one of the quotes from the board named “Narrative” and quickly answer to the following questions:
What emotion comes to your mind while reading it?. This will be our key element to create our narrative: Freedom comes to mind, and diving deeper into that I’d say ‘relaxation’ because the more free you feel, the more relaxed and comfortable you become so it softens your presentation and aura.
- You don’t have to answer this publicly but ask yourself why did you choose that particular quote. Does it remind you of a personal experience?: Oh I absolutely resonate with this quote. I’ve been through body confidence issues in my teens, being ‘too big’ and ‘too small’, as well as discouraged for my love of body art, and now as a young adult, I’m more than comfortable in my own skin and how I choose to adorn my body.
- Pick one of the images from the folder “Location”. As we have done it previously, just pick the one that catches your eye without giving it too much thought.
Had a lot of fun from this class and really pushed my ‘story telling’ further than I have in my previous illustrations