Rock paper scissors For python 2.7

for i in range(99):
print (" ")

Start=raw_input("Press [enter] to play")
if Start=="":

Player1=raw_input("Player 1 your turn")

if Player1=="Rock":
for i in range(99):
print (" ")
elif Player1=="Paper":
for i in range(99):
print (" ")
elif Player1=="Scissors":
for i in range(99):
print (" ")

Player2 = raw_input("Player 2 your turn")

if Player2 == "Rock":
for i in range(99):
print (" ")
elif Player2 == "Paper":
for i in range(99):
print (" ")
elif Player2 == "Scissors":
for i in range(99):
print (" ")

if Player1=="Rock" and Player2=="Paper":
print ("Player 2 wins!")
elif Player1 =="Paper" and Player2 == "Scissors":
print ("Player 2 wins!")
elif Player1 == "Scissors" and Player2 == "Rock":
print ("Player 2 wins!")

if Player2=="Rock" and Player1=="Paper":
print ("Player 1 wins!")
elif Player2 =="Paper" and Player1 == "Scissors":
print ("Player 1 wins!")
elif Player2 == "Scissors" and Player1 == "Rock":
print ("Player 1 wins!")

if Player1 == Player2:
print ("It's a draw!")