Questions about the room i love (number 17)

Questions about the room i love
The answer is as quick as it is quirky because it's the room you are in.
Quietly lying down while looking at my queen busying herself with her work is heavenly.
Quite relaxing also, she concocts in her quarters a delicious beverage of coffee, homemade quality and full of her quirkiness down to the cup of unique shape.
Accompagnied by her cat, she is a sorceress, long midnight hair and ashen skin.
By the window, she sees a somber city far from the colorful drawings she painstakingly draft throughout her day.
Troubling enough, it's been a while since i was with her in the same space and i'm quick to blame it on the world, it is quite litteraly a worldwide life and death issue.
Never though i would be so grateful to the ubiquitous social media for allowing me a glimpse into her life in her stories.
the yearning i feel got me down the quick, i am surprise myself, it is questionable how deep feelings can go.
Quick to the point my favorite room is the room you're in, i hope i get to question you about your joy and your woe around a drink sooner than later.
Haven't had my quota of you in a while now and i really need a quote unquote dose of you right about now.
Hope to visit you, my queen.