Presenting My Pattern With 3 Different Color Options

Presenting My Pattern With 3 Different Color Options - student project


I'm Gennifer. I've taken a few of Bonnie's courses and have learned so so much! I've been a stay at home mom to my five children for the past 27 years - my youngest is now 9. So, it's time now for me to pursue my love of surface pattern design.

I graduated from Syracuse University back in 1990 with my son, Calin, in my arms and a degree in Surface Pattern Design. We did everything by hand in those days! So, my learning curve on the computer was huge when I began taking Bonnie's Skillshare classes last year. They have been a lifesaver!!

I thought this challenge would be easier than it actually was!! When I went to recolor my pattern with some color palettes that I thought were going to be really pretty, the results weren't so great. I had to tweak the palettes quite a bit to get something I liked. It was a great lesson and a super helpful learning experience :)

My pattern was originally one I created around the holidays - a mistletoe pattern - but I think it could probably by good for anytime really! Here are my 3 color options:

Presenting My Pattern With 3 Different Color Options - image 1 - student project

Presenting My Pattern With 3 Different Color Options - image 2 - student project

Presenting My Pattern With 3 Different Color Options - image 3 - student project