Painting Mittens in Pencil Crayon and Gouache

Painting Mittens in Pencil Crayon and Gouache - student project

Painting Mittens in Pencil Crayon and Gouache - image 1 - student project

I began my project by sketching, digitizing and transferring my sketch to all twelve sheets of watercolour paper since I was planning to paint twelve sets of mittens. 

Painting Mittens in Pencil Crayon and Gouache - image 2 - student project

Here are all of my painted mittens!


Painting Mittens in Pencil Crayon and Gouache - image 3 - student projectPainting Mittens in Pencil Crayon and Gouache - image 4 - student projectPainting Mittens in Pencil Crayon and Gouache - image 5 - student project

And here are my finished mittens!


Here are the two that I demonstrated, a little closer up:


Painting Mittens in Pencil Crayon and Gouache - image 6 - student project