My main website (WordPress)

My main website (WordPress) - student project

I made my website using WordPress with the Divi theme.

Overall I'm happy with it, but recently I went through the trouble of switching web hosts and in the process, a few things have broken down that I need to fix. Thankfully there are not major things that others are really going to notice. (But they bug me!)

In my fine art portfolio, the captions that state the title, dimensions, medium, and year for each artwork is no longer showing up.  Also my favicon (*the little picture that comes up next to a web address) is no longer working. They are on my "to-do list" for the week ahead.

My main website (WordPress) - image 1 - student project

That said, my website is much faster now that I switched web hosts (from Bluehost) and I saved myself a few hundred dollars a year. (by switching to Tekmatix.)

I still have some things to update, but I think one thing anyone with a website should be aware of is, you never actually are ever done with it. It's like a garden. You must pop in once in a while to prune and update and add new things.


Best wishes and happy designing!

Kristen :-)