My Sewing Super Hero Logos

I really enjoyed making my super hero logos! I love to sew, so I knew my super power would have something to do with sewing. I made 3 different logos – mainly to get some practice using Illustrator (because I still struggle with it), and because it was fun!
My first logo: I drew the sewing machine and scissors, and used a font called Harrington. I like how the font goes with the antique sewing machine.
My second logo: I drew a boxy, modern sewing machine. I made a block letter font using an add-on for Illustrator called Fontself (really fun!) I thought it went well with the boxy machine - but maybe this logo is a little masculine. Maybe it would help if I added color.
My third logo: A more simple logo, again using the Harrington font. (I like that font!) I learned how to make the needle in another Skillshare class (by Helen Bradley). I love being able to use previous knowledge and building on my Illustrator skills.
I'm actually really pleased with all three logos! While they don't have a classic super hero look, they are personal to me and represent my "super power"!
What a fun class! I really enjoyed it and it gave me some good practice using Illustrator. I’d highly recommend this class to anyone – not only because it was full of good information – but because Faye’s presentation was so entertaining and enjoyable!
Off to save the stitch at a time!