My Mission and Ideal Target Audience
OK. I did both the activities for the Mission Statement.
The first one is:
I'm Kristen, an interdisciplinary artist and international educator who seeks to empower artists and idealists to be seen and heard, communicate effectively, and have a stronger impact online and offline.
I also have my LinkedIn one. I am starting to spend more time doing education and live and online courses, so I will need to probably edit and update this one too.
Anyway, it is right now:
For my ideal target audience, when I first started teaching online...I thought it was the same as the (captive) audience I had in person at my university... mainly... young expats and internationally-minded men and women students in their early twenties who seemed to like my classes but maybe would rather be sleeping or drinking beer with their friends.
One way I finally figured out who my actual ideal target audience was... was based on who was liking my social media posts the most. It was also the same people leaving glowing reviews on my Udemy and other online courses.
So, to this day, my ideal target audience (the main one anyway) tends to be:
Women ages 35 and up. They may be middle-aged or retired. They usually are in North America or Europe but quite a lot are also in India, South Africa, Australia, etc.
They tend to have a high-school or university education and they are interested in travel and other cultures. They tend to like yoga, meditation, Reiki, art, literature, music, and are really into contributing to the larger community.
They are usually very enthusiastic and productive at work but sometimes feel unseen and under-recognized. They might be about to retire or already are retired. Their children (if they have them) are about to leave for university or have already started their adult lives. This is leaving them wondering what is next in their lives and what their legacy will be.
The ones who don't have children tend to still be caretakers, either with students or animals or plants, or the larger community.
They are thinking of starting or growing their own business or doing something new that is outside their usual skill set.
They are lifelong learners who want to learn new skills (but who don't want to fight with computers or software) and embark on new projects like writing a book, illustrating, starting an organization, or leading an initiative that help promote positive social change.
And I'm the woman who can help them! :-)