Motivation Fades

Motivation Fades - student project

I enjoyed the class. I clicked the link after following the Mad Pattern Class. All the projects were entertaining and informative. Thanks

Choose Discipline because Motivation Fa...

Motivation Fades - image 1 - student project


My Heart's Desire.

The pattern can be found in Illustrator but was given new life in a Mad Pattern Template.

Motivation Fades - image 2 - student project


Clouds in my Coffee.  Coffee Photo by Aphiwat chuangchoem from Pexels

Motivation Fades - image 3 - student project


Enjoy the Little Things.

Moss pathway Photo by Pixabay from Pexels. Polka dot and gold "enjoy the little things" Photo by Miesha Moriniere from Pexels

Motivation Fades - image 4 - student project