Guess the number in 10 tries
import sys
import random
upper = 50
specialNum = random.randint(1,upper)
print("""The computer has randomly chosen a special number between 1 and""", upper,""".
Try to guess the special number within 10 tries. Each try the program will tell
whether your guess is higher or lower than the special number! OK let's get this
party started!""", end = '\n')
userTry = 0
guessLeft = 10
while userTry
guess = int(input("Please enter your guess: "))
if guess > upper:
print("Special number is between 1 and 50. Please try again.", guessLeft, "more guesses left.")
guessLeft = 10 - (userTry 1)
if guess print("Your guess is lower than special num.", guessLeft, "more guesses left.")
elif guess > specialNum:
print("Your guess is higher than special num.", guessLeft, "more guesses left.")
print("Congratulations! You got it.", guess, "was the special number!")
userTry = 1
print("Too bad too sad! Better luck next time.")