Gerbera and Black-eyed Susan vines

Gerbera and Black-eyed Susan vines - student project

I’m, graphic designer from Finland. Thank you for a great info Barbel! The idea to this pattern come from my love towards plants. I thought I needed to do this task about the plants that I know and are familiar to me.

There is Gerbera in the center and Black-eyed Susan vines (Thunbergia alata) around it. I have grown Susanas from seed in balcony this summer and had studied their style of growing closely.

I had done a drawing study about the leafs and flower of the Susana on the nature illustration course. That helped a lot in this case.

I didn’t stay totally true to the damask mirror style and took some liberties on the vines around Gerberas. Both sides are a bit different as well as the leaves below Gerberas are not mirrored.

I drew everything in Illustrator on the top of the scetches. I’m not a fan of tracing, because it smoothens all the points that are meant to be sharp.

The making this pattern felt like an adventure. How things interact after all is so interesting!

Second colorway:

Gerbera and Black-eyed Susan vines - image 1 - student project


Hand drawn scetches on the base of all:

Gerbera and Black-eyed Susan vines - image 2 - student project

From the nature history illustration course:

Gerbera and Black-eyed Susan vines - image 3 - student project

Gerbera and Black-eyed Susan vines - image 4 - student project


Thank you for marvellous course!

I will definetely study more of the possibilities of this pattern style.