Flower Photo Collage

When I first watched the videos for this class, I have to admit that I felt a bit overwhelmed! Working with so many photos seemed daunting. But, I chose 8 of my own photos and jumped right in. It wasn't nearly as overwhelming as it first seemed, and I had so much fun creating my collage!
I made my collage the size of my desktop so I could use it as wallpaper. I was really thrilled to learn about painting on a mask with grey paint to create a transluscent effect. I was especially excited to learn how use the clone stamp tool to remove the reflection of myself in the sunglasses! What a great thing to know how to do!
I used some of the techniques I learned in the "Text over image effects" class, so I could add my favorite quote to my collage.
Now that the collage is on my desktop, I see a couple of spots that could use more blending if I were really being a perfectionist...but I'm really pleased with the cheerful design!
Thanks for another excellent class Helen! I loved how you talked through your design process. Even though my design is made of different photos, the techniques were so well presented that I was able to apply them to my own collage.