Finding My Planner Peace

Looking back through the various planner systems I've tried over the years, I wanted to pull things that that I always tried to keep track of and things I had always wanted to keep track of but never could stick with. I need to keep aware of upcoming appointments and bills and I wanted to keep tabs on what I'm doing daily with my time, self care as well as housekeeping. Additionally, I would like to start giving myself more time for creative outlets like daily drawing, stitching and my spiritual craft.

Finding My Planner Peace - image 1 - student project

When splitting these things into buckets I noticed that most of them centered around "Self". Such as keeping on top of my food/water intake, my time tracking and fitness classes. Next was "Home" with trying to find a cleaning routine and meal plan that not only works for me, but I can stick with for longer than a week. "Work" seems to simply amount to a list of to-dos and finding time to study. (I need to study and test at work to promote) Surprisingly "Family" was pretty bare. In hindsight I should have combined Home and Family and had "Creative" as it's own bucket.

Finding My Planner Peace - image 2 - student project

The vast majority of my tasks are either done daily or weekly with a few predictable things needing jotted down every month or so. Very few of my daily doings need to be shared most of my weekly and all of my monthly and such should be seen by me and my spouse. 

Finding My Planner Peace - image 3 - student project

Ultimately it seems as though multiple systems may be the best for me. Sharing things with my spouse via Google Calendar should ease the questions of "what's for dinner" as well as when appointments, classes and random home tasks need to be accomplished or when bills are due. Using a simple Lined Notepad for my work to-dos should be ideal since most of those tasks are pretty repetitive and I don't have the ability to carry a planner around with me at work. I struggled with deciding between and Bullet Journal and Horizontal Planner for the rest and finally settled on a Horizontal simply because I stopped using a BuJo due to the time it took to draw up layouts every week or month. Should I find this system not being as helpful as I would hope, I may go the BuJo route anyway. 

Finding My Planner Peace - image 4 - student project

Finding My Planner Peace - image 5 - student project

Wish me luck over the next month or so! Maybe I can finally get my life together.....