Embrace the Unknown

Embrace the Unknown - student project

Wow! I really like how she not only broke down the steps from hobby to creative career but gave her own personal stories. 

I also liked her last video, where she talked about relating the most to the Panther. "Embrace the magic of surrendering to the unknown." I feel like that is exactly what I'm doing everyday, embracing the unknown on the way to my dream. My goal is to one day own my own independent animation studio. I've broken that dream into parts, taking it one day at a time. 

 In the past year, I've learned a lot about animation. Below is my first attempt at a frame-by-frame animation.

Embrace the Unknown - image 1 - student project

I learned what worked and what didn't work. I then came back and tried a different animation, this time in color.

Embrace the Unknown - image 2 - student project

There's still so much I have to learn but I'm taking one day at a time. (Below is the current animation I'm work on.)

Thanks for reading!

Embrace the Unknown - image 3 - student project

Embrace the Unknown - image 4 - student project


















(All images and gifs are made by me. All are referenced from Bodies in Motion.)