Consistently Create

Consistently Create - student project

Something I've continued to struggle with is finding time to consistently make. But like I talk about in class, it's so important to keep making little amounts of progress on a daily basis! One thing that has helped me is to decide on a cue in my day (one that happens every day) that means it's time to make.

For example, my cue is my son's nap time. It happens every day at about the same time and it means it's time to create! Find something that makes sense in your schedule. It could be right after you wake up, or right after breakfast, or right after dinner.

And make sure that creative time is in a digital free block like I talked about in Create > Consume. We don't want creative time to be distracted time, that time is for you! Whether it's 5 minutes or 50 minutes, creating everyday leads to a healthy art practice.