Basics of Hand-Drawn Animation

Basics of Hand-Drawn Animation - student project

I've always wanted to learn hand-drawn animation (due to my many many years of watching cartoons). This was a great and thorough intro, and the resources were also super helpful. I'll definitely continue to look through The Animator's Survival Kit.

The walk cycle took me a while to fully understand but I'm happy with how it turned out!


Boiling Text

Basics of Hand-Drawn Animation - image 1 - student project


Bouncing Ball

Basics of Hand-Drawn Animation - image 2 - student project


Liquid Text

Basics of Hand-Drawn Animation - image 3 - student project


Waving Flags

Basics of Hand-Drawn Animation - image 4 - student project

Basics of Hand-Drawn Animation - image 5 - student project


Walk Cycle

Basics of Hand-Drawn Animation - image 6 - student project

Instagram: @yenamakes