Animating Fire

Animating Fire - student project

This is my chosen object for the candle flame!Animating Fire - image 1 - student projectI have just started making the replacements :)

Finished!! I wanted to add a small wisp of pink smoke to match the skull, although I am aware it went a bit too fast.


Animating Fire - image 2 - student projectI have made a mini campfire out of wooden canvas wedges (painted brown) that are stuck in to a base of black clay. I want to use the plasticine flames for this one! 



Snoozing by the rather huge campfire... Or maybe Lego man is just really small!THIRD OBJECT: MR STICKYBONES- Says hello! Stay tuned to find out how fire will be involved (he seems apprehensive, but I won't hurt him!)Animating Fire - image 3 - student project




Mr Stickybones attempts the daring act of fire breathing!!

He survived with no burns, I'm happy to say.

The replacement flames are cellophane, stuck on card to strengthen it (and some yellow glitter for a little sparkle :)). The sound effect, before the flame noise, is supposed to emulate him blowing the fuel- I couldn't really figure out a simple way to animate it.

It's not very long because the fire moves very quickly, and it's not a loopable animation.