Universe, History of automobile, symmetrical and asymmetrical balance

Universe, History of automobile, symmetrical and asymmetrical balance - student project

Universe, History of automobile, symmetrical and asymmetrical balance - image 1 - student projectUniverse, History of automobile, symmetrical and asymmetrical balance - image 2 - student projectApplied  principles taught from both classes.

Used in both projects high contrasting images as focal points to draw attention of a reader, except on page 3 in car project where i used Big drop cap as focal point on page with a large white space.

Applied hierarchy in headlines subheads and body copy in terms of size and contrast.

Repetition can be seen in Typefaces/Fonts i have used as element, shapes and colors.

Mostly worked with symmetrical balance and a little with asymmetrical in car project which can be seen in composition of pages.

Any suggestions for improvement are welcome. 
Universe, History of automobile, symmetrical and asymmetrical balance - image 3 - student projectUniverse, History of automobile, symmetrical and asymmetrical balance - image 4 - student project

Universe, History of automobile, symmetrical and asymmetrical balance - image 5 - student projectUniverse, History of automobile, symmetrical and asymmetrical balance - image 6 - student projectUniverse, History of automobile, symmetrical and asymmetrical balance - image 7 - student projectUniverse, History of automobile, symmetrical and asymmetrical balance - image 8 - student projectUniverse, History of automobile, symmetrical and asymmetrical balance - image 9 - student projectUniverse, History of automobile, symmetrical and asymmetrical balance - image 10 - student projectUniverse, History of automobile, symmetrical and asymmetrical balance - image 11 - student projectUniverse, History of automobile, symmetrical and asymmetrical balance - image 12 - student projectUniverse, History of automobile, symmetrical and asymmetrical balance - image 13 - student projectUniverse, History of automobile, symmetrical and asymmetrical balance - image 14 - student projectUniverse, History of automobile, symmetrical and asymmetrical balance - image 15 - student project