Understanding smooth washes

Understanding smooth washes - student project

Thank you so, so much for those classes! I finally began to understand how I should prepare my paints from pans to create smoother background which lately had been a bit of a struggle of mine. Now I feel much better and more confident. Sometimes there are some cauliflowers happening but I don't mind. It's definitely better than it used to be! Here are my exercises first and my final project I made with strawberry pattern idea where I used wet on wet technique. Before this technique was such a struggle to me! But now I finally understand it. Of course with smooth washes I still have some things to learn but I am getting a grip of how to do it so I will keep practising more. Thank you so much

Understanding smooth washes - image 1 - student project

Understanding smooth washes - image 2 - student projectUnderstanding smooth washes - image 3 - student projectUnderstanding smooth washes - image 4 - student projectUnderstanding smooth washes - image 5 - student project