Thistle cheer you up! #SummerDreamScholarShip2023

Thank you Irina for another fun class! This has been truly inspiring. Combining watercolors and collage is such a dream combo!
I'm currently participating in a 100 day challenge hosted by Tanja @missniceday on Instagram, and today's theme is THISTLE.
For the 100 day challenge, I set up 2 parameters for myself:
1) working with a limited color palette of 6 colors (opera pink, teal, purple, yellow ochre, shell pink and dark cobalt green)
2) integrating a circle into the design
I tried to combine my parameters with the thistle theme and Irina's suggestion in this class.
Step 1: sketch
Step 2: painting
Step 3: cut & gluuuuue
Step 4: lettering
This project is my entry for #SummerDreamScholarship2023 challenge Irina is currently hosting (August 2023). She also asked to talk about our creative dreams and goals.
And honestly, I'm pretty happy and content with where I am these days. There's a bunch of fantastic people I've been able to connect to through Skillshare, Instagram, in person and online workshops, here in Hawaii and even internationally. I earn my living by making handmade watercolors and selling them online. Someone please pinch me!
If there was one thing I could wish for, it would be to come up with creative projects that would include and connect the part of my family that lives on the other side of the world (my parents, my sister and lil niece). I don't get to see them often, so having something like a creative family project would be great. Gotta think about that :-)
Other than that, if I get to be creative and able to make art in some capacity for the rest of my life, I'll be a very happy camper!
If you've read all of this, thank you so much - I wish you happy creative times and much aloha.